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Character in Let's RP
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Mel Rose
Status Active
Focus Civilian
Aliases Melesta | Melissa | Melinda | Melvin | Mellow | Melenoma | Melanie | Smelanie | Mel with one L | Melvin | Mel Fornell
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 1991-12-15
Age 31
Place of Birth Scotland, Scottish Borders
Nationality Scottish
Gender Female
Licenses Gun License, Hunting License, Driving License
Residence Alta St.
Physical Attributes
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Purple
Relationship Information
Sexuality Bisexual
Partner(s) Jay Huxley
Children Timothy Rose (Adopted)
Pets Luna the cat
Employment Information
UwU Cat Cafe Owner
Role-Player Information
Played By Dannil0u
Other Characters Ellie Cain

Mel Rose is a character role-played by Dannil0u.


Mel Rose is the Owner of UwU Cafe in Korean Plaza. Successful businesswoman and event organiser, hosting our seasonal "Los Santos Got Talent" events.


Before Los Santos

Mel Rose was born and raised in the borders of Scotland. Growing up she had an incessant need to be liked within her friend group which often didn't turn out well. In a single mother household it was tough to make things work at times and this was noted by her friend group because of her clothes and second hand toys and presents at most birthdays/christmases. When she was old enough, she had to get a job to help make ends meet. Spending many nights working nightshift for extra cash, and her days trying to meet new people - she started to burnout. This took a turn when she met her first long term boyfriend, and she got herself in some situations that got both of them in trouble with the law. However, the money was great and she was able to afford herself the luxuries she'd always dreamed of, the brand new clothes (mostly stolen) that she desired and that fulfilled need to be liked. She quickly realised that this wasn't the life she wanted to live - she didn't want people to like her just because she had money, or because she could earn them money. After confiding in her best friend, Don Chester, she broke up with her boyfriend stating that she wanted to live her own life and not be controlled by his greed. After taking it initially well, he became obsessive and demanding, asking her to come back because he was no longer able to live his petty crime life. She moved a few hours away to some family but he found her and chased her round the country for months. Finally, she changed her name legally and made a decision to make a new life in Los Santos after reading about their generous package for immigrants online. Don Chester was looking for a reason to up sticks and head elsewhere anyway, so moved alongside her to keep tabs and make sure she was safe.


A very hungry Mel arrived at UwU Cat Cafe shortly after getting off the plane and getting sorted in her new apartment. The minute she walked in, she knew that was her new home and settled in immediately with her boss Momo Curie and colleague Marley Davidson. Her life-long goal always had been to own her own business and she worked hard to show Momo she was capable. After months of pushing up the ranks within the business, Momo moved on to her dream job being a pilot and passed on cafe ownership to Mel. She's now owned UwU for several months and is still just as passionate as she was on day one. With UwU now booming, and having a full rota of employees Mel is in her element and thriving within the city.

Life in Los Santos so far

After a few weeks of working in the cafe, Mel met Jay Huxley of the LSPD and after a few days of popping into the cafe for her freshly made cake and tasty snacks, he asked her on a date. Over the coming months they would go out and quickly fall in love, moving in with each other and saving for a house together. Mel has tried to remain a neutral ground within the city and is often confided in from friends throughout. Benny Silver took a job at the UwU cafe, and they bonded despite his infuriating behaviour of tagging her car with 'Benny was here' every night with a whiteboard marker. Oftentimes, Mel is harassed as part of a "wind up" by people resulting in what is described as a 'code blue' breakdown.

Adoption of Timothy

Timothy Beasley arrived in the streets of Los Santos on a cold winters night, taking shelter in an igloo in Legion Square (the Man Cave). Timothy made lots of friends within his first few nights and after bumping into Mel - she realised just how trusting he was and vowed to keep him safe from harm. Unfortunately, Timothy's biological mother Susan Beasley wasn't happy with this and kicked him out of their home, meaning he had to purchase an RV to live in. Dt Blake from the LSPD suggested that Mel become Timothy's guardian so he had a safe place to live and someone to be there for him.

They continued to bond, and despite Susan's interruptions - Mel officially adopted Timothy on the 7th January 2023. He wanted to feel like part of the family so officially changed his name upon adoption to Timothy Rose.

Notable Information

  • Multiple speeding tickets but no criminal record noted.


  • Started off with a Weeny Issi in the city to get her around.
  • Issi Sport, clad in her favourite purple pearlescent tone (Her pride and joy)
  • UwU car (Brioso R/A)
  • Motorbike that she bought so she could do a motorbike manoeuvres course run by Chief Taffer one time, but trust me - you don't want to get on the back of that thing with her.
  • Thrax - Mel's 30th birthday present from Jay Huxley


  • Was once shot in the left ass cheek by Jon van der Linde
  • Mel was not born Mel Rose, but changed her name from REDACTED
