Butch Stonewall

Character in Let's RP
Butch Stonewall
Status Active
Focus Criminal
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 1973-07-14
Age 50
Place of Birth Albuquerque New Mexico
Nationality American
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Physical Attributes
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown
Relationship Information
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Straight
Children Timothy Rose
Faction Information
Gang Affiliation [[Category:Angels of Death MC]][[Angels of Death MC]]
Rank Prospect
Role-Player Information
Played By [[Napolio]]
Other Characters George Sinclair, Jack Powers, Kash Mooney. Larry Walters
Butch Stonewall is a character played by Napolio

Early Life

When Butch was 5 years Old he was playing with his toy motorcycle in his back garden when all of a sudden a Bolt of Lightning Hit him directly in the face Scaring him for life, Instead of dying for anything like that, Butch looked up at the sky and said "Not today you son of a bitch" and kept playing with his toy Motorcycle.

At the age of 7 Butch was in school drawing his toy motorcycle when his classmate Tommy Lickle approached Butch and said "Hey, Butch you son of a bitch you stole my Crayons" Butch responded "I aint stole nothin you piece of trash" when in reality he did steal the crayons. So tommy then went to the teachers desk, Grabbed a Pencil and Stabbed Butch in the eyeball. From that day on Butch decided to never trust anybody for the rest of his life,

At the age of 13 Butch was arrested for getting in a fist fight with a homeless man While in the holding cell Butch saw His nemesis' father Jerry Lickle who was sheriff in the town he grew up in, Butch then Decided to kill Jerry by stabbing him to death with a crayon to get back at tommy for taking his eye. Due to being underage Butch was only gicing a minor sentence for the Murder. And from that day on Butch decided to never trust the police ever again.

At the age of 19 Butch Met a woman named Sarah and they soon started dating for 3 years and eventually Butch decided to propose to the woman he fell in love with, Unfortunately Sarah rejected his Proposal and started laughing hysterically at Butch and said "I would never marry a pig like you, By the way i been cheating on you with another man since the day we met". When butch asked why Sarah revealed that her Father was Jerry Lickle and this was her act of revenge. And from that day on Butch decided to never love another woman again.

At the age of 31 Butch was in a bar where he met a Woman named Susan who immediatley made advances to Butch and after about 15 beers Butch and Susan when to a nearby motel to have a one night stand, Unknown to him at the time, Butch had just conceived his First and only child Timothy Rose and he never saw Susan ever again after that night.

Butch only ever had one friend in his life, Michael Barnes. The two did everything together, from robbing stores to Shooting at police and everything in between. Unfortunately Michael got shot by Tommy Lickle who had joined The Lost MC. Butch ran to his dying body and tried to save him but there was nothing he could do to save his friend, Before he died Michael made butch promise to take care of his son Huel Barnes. And so from that day on Butch would raise Huel like he is own son and eventually they both made their way to Los Santos.

Angels of Death

Butch and Huel wanted to do more than just roam the country on bikes so they settled down in Los santos and decided to Meet with the Angels of Death MC to become members. When they arrived at the AoD Clubhouse they met Jock Lawson the Preisdent of the Angles of Death and Barrett Jones the VP. They made their introductions and ask if they could join the club. Jock and Barret wanted to see what Butch and Huel were made of so they gave them the task of robbing a Jewellery Store. The Job itself went smoothly up until they left the building and ewere chased around the city which ended at the Refinery in Cypress where Butch and Huel started to shoot at the police. The shootout was long and ended with Butch getting shot and arrested. After he was released from prison Butch and Huel were accepted as Hangarounds and eventually became Prospects for the AoD.