Jon van der Linde

Character in Let's RP
Revision as of 15:27, 25 February 2023 by JonVanDerLinde (talk | contribs)
Jon van der Linde
Status Active
Focus Criminal
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 1967-05-09
Age 55
Place of Birth Hoorn, The Netherlands
Nationality Dutch
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Species Human
Net Worth > $500,000
Driving License
Residence Stab City
Physical Attributes
Height 6'3
Weight 240lbs
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Grey
Relationship Information
Marital Status Widower
Sexuality Heterosexual
Partner(s) Sára (Wife) ✝
Children Jay Huxley (Allegedly)
Relatives Adopted
Pets Sponky
Faction Information
Gang Affiliation The Lost MC
Rank President
Other Affiliation Los Vagos, The Agency
Employment Information
Vanilla Unicorn
Club Owner
Role-Player Information
Played By SH4UN
Other Characters Mr Fox, Desmond Hale, Vincent Levesque
Jon van der Linde is a character role-played by SH4UN.


Pre-Criminal Days

Growing up in a Dutch orphanage, Jon never knew much about his parents other than they migrated from the New World sometime between 1908 - 1912. There he met Sára, who he grew extremely close with and eventually married in 1986. Inseparable the two led an honest life with Jon working as Head of Security in a local nightclub and Sára teaching primary children. The love the two shared was unmatched, with her referring to him as her 'Koning' or 'King' - evident by the crowned skull tattoos that adorn his body to this day.

Deciding on a visit to Liberty City for their 10th wedding anniversary, all was going well as they visited landmarks such as the Rotterdam Tower and Cleethorpes Tower. However, on their penultimate evening in the city, Jon saw a group of burly leather-clad bikers assaulting who he believed were innocent onlookers. They both rushed to their aid once the men rode off. Before long, Jon heard the growing noise of the bikers returning and before he could process the situation he found himself in, the bikers unleashed a drive-by shooting of the downed men. Able to shield himself behind a nearby vehicle, Jon stood to assess his surroundings only to be met with the love of his life near death on the ground beside him. As he grabbed her and bellowed for help, she slipped away gasping Jon's name as her final words to him. From that moment, van der Linde never forgot the letters 'AOD' which adorned one of the bike's fuel tanks.

Forming The Lost MC

Following the death of his beloved Sára, Jon spiralled between fits of rage and deep sadness and depression, turning to alcohol for comfort. One of the men he aided in the shooting had given him their phone number for a reason unknown to himself. Frustration and a need for answers forced van der Linde to call the number after a few days, having needed to stay in the city for an extended period to organise Sára's burial. A somewhat unsurprised man answered the call by the name of Johnny Klebitz, and offered answers to van der Linde and vowed to help avenge Sára's death.

After weeks of planning, Klebitz, van der Linde and one Billy Grey, filled with blinded anger, called upon six others to form the early Liberty City chapter of The Lost MC. With Billy Grey filling the role of President, Johnny Klebitz as Vice President, Terry Thorpe as Sergeant at Arms, Brian Jeremy as Secretary, Jim Fitzgerald as Treasurer, Clay Simons as Road Captain, Jason Michaels and Angus Martin filling the ranks as patched members, Jon van der Linde filled his hate-fuelled role as Enforcer perfectly, forming the original 'First Nine' in 1996.

A war began soon after between The Lost MC and the Angels of Death MC, with carnage spilling onto every street of Liberty City. The chaos raged on until both sides were practically annihilated. The 'First Nine' members were all either killed or split up, with no contact between them since the war. It is thought that Jon van der Linde is the sole survivor of what was the original mother chapter of The Lost.

Line-up of The Lost MC confronting The Cartel

Moving to Los Santos

Jon laid low for years, spending the blood money he has amassed from his time in the MC. Still fuelled by hatred, beyond that of Sára's death, he looked to reform The Lost MC in his vision, with himself at the helm. He soon came into contact with Frank Delaney, a like-minded motorcycle enthusiast whom he later named his VP. Soon after reaching out to the new city, Jon and Frank were joined by Douglas Davidson and Marley Davidson, a deadly married duo, and Margarot Doubtfyre, a name feared for many reasons. Respectively, they gained Senior Officer ranks, and established the newly reformed Lost MC 'First Five'.

Later, Zeb Faulkner, Maverick King, and other patched members joined the Lost MC, which remains a deadly and feared force in Los Santos.


Looking like a grumpy grey-haired biker, nothing means more to Jon van der Linde than respect. From his club members, blind loyalty and respect are demanded. From the public, respect is taken. Seen as the more reasonable senior officer of The Lost MC, Jon will only act aggressively if given a reason to, favouring sit-down discussions. Having a certain way with words, he is often seen keeping other members in check during public relations, especially the far more impulsive Frank Delaney.


Notable Information

Charge History Counts
Armed Robbery 1x
Felony Evading 1x
Possession of a Controlled Substance 1x

Name Relation Description
Frank Delaney Close Friend His Vice President. Acts as Jon's unpredictable brutal correspondent.
Douglas Davidson Close Friend One of Jon's closest advisors. Acts as his personal executioner, initiated by a simple nod.
Zeb Faulkner Close Friend A close advisor. Someone Jon trusts with large business decisions.
Name Relation Description
Jay Huxley Alleged Son Based solely on looks. Jon refuses to admit the legitimacy.

Vehicle Category
Sanctus Motorcycle
Rat Bike Motorcycle
Stretch Limousine Sedan
A younger Jon van der Linde threatening one of his enemies

