Gabriel Moretti

Character in Let's RP
Revision as of 11:40, 24 February 2023 by JonVanDerLinde (talk | contribs)
Gabriel Moretti
Status Active
Focus Criminal
Aliases Flash
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 2000-09-22
Age 22
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Net Worth $750,000
Licenses Drivers License
Physical Attributes
Height 6 ft
Hair Color Black
Relationship Information
Marital Status Single
Relatives Antonio Moretti(Father), Vito Moretti (Uncle), Timothy Moretti(Brother), Celeste Loveheart(Cousin)
Faction Information
Gang Affiliation Moretti Crime Family
Rank Soldier
Former Affiliation(s) S7 Crips
Employment Information
Role-Player Information
Played By Gabe


When Gabriel was young, he was always the guy that was easy to pick on, as he was not a guy to fight back and was bad with insults and how to respond to them. He would always try to make people like him, as he hated the thought about people having something against him. Usually, he would just hang with his 2 brothers, Nick and James. Gabriel as the youngest of the 3, he would do anything to make it seem to them as he was the coolest guy in the world. From a young age, those 3 were almost unbreakable until they got around 12. One day when all 3 were hanging out, Nick and James thought it was a good idea to make Gabriel steal something from a store. Gabriel, thinking that he had to do it, as he thought he had to prove that he was cool, decided to do it. All 3 of them walked into a general store and pointed at a lighter and a beer that they wanted Gabriel to take. After showing him what to take, they left the store and waited across the street for Gabriel to come back. Gabriel then took the lighter and went for the beer, when he realised that he was not high enough to grab it. Slowly making it to the door, he waved at his brothers to come help out, but they just waved back, thinking nothing of it. Gabriel went back in the store, as the other 2 didn't understand him, and tried to find something to stand on. He saw a box standing pretty close by and started slowly moving it to where the beer was standing. He made sure that no one could see him and went to grab it. As soon as he opened the door to where the beer was, the store owner came in and locked eyes with Gabriel. Gabriel froze for a few seconds, then started sprinting into the store. After a short chase inside, he turned around and started running to the main door. When he came to the door, the owner was right behind him. His brothers saw it, and started running towards Gabriel. But as soon as they started running, a car was about to pass them, and ran Nick over. Everyone in the area seemed to freeze for a few seconds, as they just saw a person get run over by a car. Gabriel and James looked at each other, then started sprinting off. Not even turning back, they ran off as fast as they could. They ran for around an hour, before stopping. Thinking that it was Gabriel’s fault, James screamed at Gabriel about how this is all your fault. Gabriel, believing this was all true, decided that he could not come home knowing that it was his fault his brother died in that accident. That day, both James and Gabriel ran away from home and never came back. James, thinking that they now would have to steal to survive, told people to call him Kid Flash, and abandoned his real name. Thinking that if they called him that instead, he would not be forced to remember what happened that day. James/Kid always blamed Gabriel for what happened to their brother, so they got distant. Gabriel ended up at a foster home, with abusive parents, and lived there until he was 18. After that, he went to banks to steal to make a living, when he accidentally stole from an old classic car. Thinking nothing of it, he didn't know someone saw him do it and followed him to where he was staying at the time. When night came, he heard someone knocking on the door. Going to open it, the door was broken open, and bursting in was Mobstermembers from the notorious crime family known as the Morettis. Turned out, he stole from one of the big boys in the local representation of the Morettis. After a hard beating, he was told that he had one week to give back items worth 10000$ or they would end his life. Knowing there was no other way out, he robbed a Jewellery store 2 days after, where he got items worth more that 150 000$. As a sign of good faith, he gave Moretti's items worth 110 000$. One of the family Capos then came with the offer that he could work with the family, as he was such a good robber. Ever since coming to Los Santos Gabe has been working for the notorious Moretti Crime Family. Gabe likes to work legitimate bar jobs in rival territories in hopes of drunken men spilling their secrets in return. Gabe is one of the Moretti family's good spies and is always going undercover to find out their enemies deepest darkest secrets. Gabe is continually being underestimated. Everyone thinks Gabe is “too nice” to accomplish anything meaningful. He has to fight hard to be heard, both in his job and as a spy in enemy lines/territories. Gabe will do whatever it takes as a spy to find out information on the family's enemies; this is Gabe's biggest goal/interest within the city of Los Santos. Gabe is cunning, charming, quiet, and observant. While others spill their secrets, he is listening closely, waiting for the right time to strike.


Gabe has a tendency to be to nice to everyone, making his relation to people conflicted when it comes to work. Gabe has a major passion in driving and street racing, this being what drives Gabe. In a tense situation, Gabe will almost always try to go down the route of talking over harm, as inflicting pain is not something Gabe enjoys. This tends to be an issue when it comes to his criminal life, as he will never be the first to shoot.

Notable Information

Business Position Employment Dates

Faction / Business Membership Type Acquired On Provided By

Gabriel Moretti's Criminal Profile
Date Status Charges Reported by Context

List of relationships, friends, family on the server and their relations.
Name Relation Description

Placeholder.png History

Status: Active
Class Unknown
None Listed
Alta Street.jpg


Description The city provided housing at Alta St.


