Celeste Loveheart

From Lets RP Wiki
Revision as of 18:48, 14 February 2023 by Pearly (talk | contribs) (Image)
Celeste reading at UwU Cafe
Celeste Loveheart is a character role-played by Pearly.


Learning to fend for herself at a young age, Celeste quickly adapted to her new life of inconsistency. Never really having anyone to lean on, she did her best to stay on her feet and out of trouble. Always trying to see the best in people, she often was burned by those taking advantage of her kindness. Luckily early on she fell into a group of close-knit friends who kept her out of trouble of which include Gabriel Moretti, her best friend (and eventually adopted cousin) who taught her how to race and overall kept her alive for the better part of their time with each other.

Eventually after a long period of having no one to really call family Celeste got close with The Moretti's, more specifically Antonio Moretti and Vito Moretti. Spending more and more time with them, Celeste finally felt she had found her chosen family and Vito eventually extended an offer of adoption to Celeste.

Shortly after being adopted, Celeste decided it was time to establish roots in Los Santos. Now with a family to protect her, she found it easier to settle into life. Though she's still watching over her shoulder, waiting for something to go wrong.


Celeste is an overly-flirty and wholesome person. She tends to try to see the best in people, and often does her best to help anyone in need. Her family is the most important thing to her, and she will stop at nothing to protect them.

Notable Information

UwU Cafe Chef December 2022 - Present
Business Membership Type Acquired On Provided By


  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • She has fallen off of a building and lost her memory 4 times
