Update:Lets RP 1.1.7

Let's RP buildĀ released on 2022-04-28
2022-04-28 - 2 years ago

Major updates

Feature Description
CCTV City-Wide Overhaul Cameras now actually record and can be downloaded & viewed by PD
SWAT Weapons Added new SWAT weapons to PD armories.
PD Tools PD now have access to new tools and abilities, reviving downed players when EMS are not available, and sights on weapons.

Patch Notes


  • Boat Storage
  • Store Robbery Exploit
  • PD (Clothing & Armory)


  • CCTV City-wide overhaul (Cameras now actually record and can be downloaded & viewed by PD)
  • SWAT Weapons
  • PD Tools