Dakota Emelda

Character in Let's RP
Revision as of 05:33, 31 October 2023 by Emy9971 (talk | contribs)
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Dakota Emelda
Status Active
Focus Criminal
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 1999-02-10
Age 24
Place of Birth Manchester, United Kingdom
Nationality British
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Relationship Information
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Bisexual
Faction Information
Gang Affiliation The Collective
Rank ???
Role-Player Information
Played By emy99712
Dakota Emelda is a character role-played by emy99712.


Dakota Emelda, a 24-year-old firebrand from the gritty streets of Manchester, UK, a paradoxical blend of toughness and sensuality that left everyone in awe. Raised in the heart of Manchester, she learned early on that life could be as unforgiving as it was captivating.

Dakota was a head-turner, but it was her unwavering resolve and street smarts that set her apart. She had survived countless challenges, walking through the thorny paths of life with a determined stride. As a passionate advocate for change, Dakota yearned for more than the limited opportunities Manchester could offer. Her dreams burned brighter than the city lights, and she couldn't ignore the magnetic pull of a better future any longer. The bustling streets of Los Santos, with its promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities, beckoned her.


Dakota's unwavering loyalty is a huge asset to her personality. Her family, The Collective, is something she will protect to the very end. While Dakota is a very loyal and honest friend, she can often be viewed as abrasive and off-putting. Her tone can be mean and her words could sting, but this is part of her way of showing her love for people, and sometimes her distaste.

Notable Information

Business Position Employment Dates

Faction / Business Membership Type Acquired On Provided By

Dakota Emelda's Criminal Profile
Photo [[File:{{{CR_Image}}}|200px]]
DNA {{{CR_DNA}}}
Date Status Charges Reported by Context

List of relationships, friends, family on the server and their relations.
Name Relation Description

