Faeryn Baerne

Character in Let's RP
Faeryn Baerne
Status Active
Focus Criminal
Aliases Fae, Soft Muse
Biographical Information
Date of Birth 1997-09-11
Age 25
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Species Human
Net Worth > $250,000
Residence Sandy Shores
Physical Attributes
Hair Color Black/Brown
Relationship Information
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Lesbian
Faction Information
Former Affiliation(s) San Fierro Pharmaceuticals (Smuggler), Deludamol (courier)
Employment Information
Role-Player Information
Played By YuyuTheRedBriar
Other Characters Alex Blake, Sammy Jeffries Rebecca Armitage
Faeryn Baerne is a character role-played by YuyuTheRedBriar.

Outward Appearance

Faeryn is a young woman with tanned skin and mid-length hair who often dons disguises via the use of hair extensions. They are usually seen wearing various manners of casual undress, preferring the "daisy Duke" style, clearly wearing her body with pride.

Occasionally they conduct business clad fully in black leathers and baggy tops with a full blackened face mask, goggles and a blacked out motorcycle helmet.

For more professional services she can often be seen wearing simple unmarked woolen shirts similar to emergency services and leather pants, always with a utility belt and radio at her side.

She favors aviator glasses.


Ran away from home at a young age after having been driven out by their parents disappointment of having a "sick" child. Living in the back of a van, she lived as a drifter on the road making their way as a hustler on the west coast, their movements didn't go unnoticed however and Fae was approached by a group of black suits and taken in under their wing as a courier for a pharmaceutical company.

From there on out they were tasked with distribution of narcotics and smuggling of high class medicines on the west coast; spending most of her time based around San Fierro. That is until the pharmacy wanted to expand its operations pressing southwards, to make a heavy footprint on Los Santos.

Faeryn changed up her style and accent a lot shortly after moving to the state, the reason to which is yet unclear.

Current Day

Despite having her strings pulled by shady businesses in the background, Fae has gone on to become a self proclaimed bandit, slowly trying to build her empire of ill gotten gains in Blaine County, while maintaining a healthy social life with the people of Los Santos. With Fae, sharing is caring and she has enjoyed supplying her new friends the means in which to get their footing in the city and maybe one day they will roll as a crew.

On the side, she aspires to own her own bar, a community function to meet and greet people and build up her circles. Wanting to start small but maybe one day branching out and buying a nice big place and own a Well respected and totally not shady establishment.


  • A post transition character, Faeryn used to be male. Her dead name was "Mickey"
  • Uses several poor accents, each for a different part of her life.
  • Despite her outward persona of being rambunctious, wild and sexual, internally they are shy and reserved, there is always internal screaming.
  • Individuals scare her more than groups, as she assumes the individual has a rifle trained on her.
  • Pointlessly covers her face with a simple bandana making little to no attempt to disguise herself when perpetrating crimes, she enjoys the notoriety, yet will still claims the true criminal to be someone else.
  • She drives her cars like a bucking bronco, don't ever let her be the getaway driver.
